Your Husband Needs …

Your husband needs you. That may sound simplified, but it’s what it is. Your husband needs respect from you. He needs caring from you. He needs love, compassion, and understanding and yes, sometimes he needs a kick in the pants. Your husband needs you and it’s not just about wanting and passion because they certainly have their place in a relationship. Your Husband Needs Respect We all need respect. Men and women alike look for it in their workplace. They look for it in their families. They look for it from their friends and from their children. We all need … Continue reading

What Husbands Need

While most marriage discussions may center around who did what wrong or who is doing what right, few seem to address what we as individuals need from each other and fewer still talk about what men need from their wives. On the other hand, I may be biased since I’m a woman and I may just not be looking in the right places. But I think as a wife, it’s important to investigate what our husbands need as much as it is to look at what we need. Why? Because when our husband needs something – he usually needs it … Continue reading