Marriage and Separations

Yesterday day here was Anzac Day. This year is was the 95th anniversary of the Gallipoli landing where so many Australians paid the ultimate sacrifice and gave their lives. We had various services and marches that remember all the fallen heroes and those who have gone to war over the years and defended our country. Many people have had a husband, a father, a son, or some other relative or friend killed or maimed or who has served in the armed forces. It’s very moving to be part of such services. Our choir was singing at one of them. You … Continue reading

Remembering Animals Who Served Our Country: Abel and Baker

Happy Memorial Day! A few months back, my husband and I took a trip down to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. One of the exhibits told about two rhesus monkeys, Abel and Baker, who were the first animals to successfully be recovered after a launch into space. I knew when I saw this exhibit that I was going to write about them in the Pets Blog, but I decided to save it for May 28, because it was on May 28, 1959 when they made their historical journey. (An altitude of 300 miles for a distance … Continue reading

A Memorial Day Thank-You to Those Who Served

I just watched the National Memorial Day tribute concert on TV. As usual, I cried—for an old classmate, for a friend’s father, for all the mothers who’ve lost sons and children who’ve lost fathers, for women my age who shouldn’t have become widows for another forty-plus years. But this time, I cried for a reason I’d never even thought of before. You may be wondering what this has to do with adoption. Here’s the connection, which I never made before today. Watching the concert reminded me of a dear family friend, almost a grandfather to me, who fought in Korea. … Continue reading

If I wasn’t a Military Spouse

I’m going to take a bit of a challenge today and write about…If I wasn’t a Military Spouse. The idea came from Spouse Buzz, this should add a bit of fun to all those out there and I’d love to see your list. If I wasn’t a Military Spouse…. I never would’ve been married with four children. Okay, technically I’m married with three children and one on the way. But honestly if we weren’t military I don’t think we would’ve allowed anything past one…maybe two at the most. If I wasn’t a Military Spouse…I never would’ve moved as much as … Continue reading

Post Memorial Day Gripe for Military Spouses

Okay, we’ve honored our husbands. Now where’s the honor for us? Our men (and women) do a lot to keep us safe, but military spouses are here to make certain that they have something to come home to. While our husbands are often honored – Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, Veterans Day – we have one lousy holiday decreed in 1984 by Ronald Reagan to celebrate the sacrifices of the military family. It’s the Friday before Mother’s Day every year, which implies — correct me if I’m wrong — that our real value is as mothers to our husband’s … Continue reading