Are You Available for Closeness with Your Kids?

We single parents do so much in the course of the day–work, household care, childcare–it can seem like by the end of the day we are completely tapped out and exhausted; as if we have given everything we possibly can. But doing things and being organized in the running of the household or a family is not the same as being intimate and close. Our children need us to not only care for their physical and obvious needs, but to also be available for closeness and foster intimacy with them. We need to be open and available when they need … Continue reading

Planning a Sales Party or Workshop? Consider Offering Childcare

I recently received a flyer for a large international conference. Although I was impressed with the slick program and information, what really jumped out at me was that the conference planners were offering child care. The flyer stated that if a registrant or participant needed child care they would need to call in advance and there would be a fee, but child care would be available. I couldn’t help but think what a great idea! And it got me to thinking about those of us who might be operating our own consulting or direct sales businesses from our homes and … Continue reading

Do You Have a Home Business, or Drop In Childcare Center?

“Hey, can you watch my kids for me?” “You don’t have anything else going on, right?” Have you ever felt like instead of running a home based-business, you run a drop-in childcare center? A few weeks ago, a friend called me to ask if I could watch her children. “Of course, I can”. I replied. (I really didn’t mind a bit…in fact, my kids could use the playmates for a day.) Okay, I take that back, I didn’t mind at first. When we started making arrangements, she said that she needed help for ten hours. I replied, “well, I can … Continue reading

Childcare Available or Is it?

I’ve always heard that childcare in the military can be a nightmare. Why is that? No, the people aren’t bad, it’s just a popular place. Popular meaning, it is always booked up and hard to use when you really need it. This week I experienced this first hand. Have you ever tried signing up for the childcare service available on the base? If you have then chances are you’ve dealt with hearing they are all booked up. Don’t even attempt dropping them off at the drop in daycare because that too is booked. In the past I have needed to … Continue reading

Have You Become More Relaxed With Each Child in Parenting?

There is something I have noticed about parents, myself included. It seems that with each child you have, you tend to become more relaxed. Now that can be a good thing but it can also be a negative. I think the day I realized I had become more relaxed by my third child was several years ago at church. I was in a church service, taking advantage of the childcare we have available. Our children get a number and if you saw your child’s number on the screen, it meant you were needed. My number went up. It was for … Continue reading

Do You Want to Go Back to School?

We often think of school as something we complete before we have a family. But more and more often, we’re seeing husbands and wives decide to go back to school after they have one, two, or more children. They want to improve themselves or they are hoping to increase their eligibility for better employment. What are some of the things to consider when making this decision? 1. Can you afford tuition? There are many student loans and scholarships available, but what if you don’t receive a full ride, and what if the student loan payments are outside your budget? Sit … Continue reading

Back To School On A Budget

When I leave for work in the morning I can tell fall is on the way. A few short weeks ago it was light out at 5:45, now it’s dark, and there is a chill in the air that reminds me the seasons are changing. Although I don’t really need the weather or lack of morning light to tell me, all I have to do is walk in any store and be bombarded with the back to school displays. The first school year that I was divorced was so stressful, where was the money going to come from? Hailey was … Continue reading

Go Back To School

One of the most important things we can do is get an education. I always tell my daughter, “No matter what happens you will never lose your education.” When we become single parents our education may take a backseat to all the other things that have to be done. This is a bad idea, it is more important than ever to continue your education. You owe it to yourself and your children to make sure that you can pursue a career that makes you happy and have the skills needed to support your family. While it may seem impossible, there … Continue reading

Where to Find a Genealogy Class or Conference

There is a lot that a genealogist can learn by attending a class, a conference, or a speaking event that focuses on genealogy. The topic might be something that you had been wondering about, or working on recently. Before you can attend a class or conference, however, you have to locate one. How can you find information about when, and where, these conferences will be taking place? The first thing to do is to figure out how much time you have that can be spent on learning more about genealogy. If you have limited free time, and can only work … Continue reading

Single Parent Travel: Camps Designed for Single Parents

In a previous post, I talked about planning a vacation as a single parent. This post discusses some of the many places that offer vacations that have been designed for single parents and their children. Rocking Horse Ranch Resort Rocking Horse Ranch Resort is located in Highland, New York, about 90 minutes north of New York City. The 2010 weekend-long single parent camp takes place during mid-November, and starts at $615 (the cost of one adult and one child). The cost includes amenities and activities, including horseback riding, swimming, childcare, hayrides, talent shows, line dancing, bonfires, fitness center, and more. … Continue reading